The handsome siblings:)
Personally, i really like the pic when both of them - solat berjemaah - dgn waleed:)
It's already summer. They love spending their evenings playing with the sands
They also like to play 'Batman' and 'Robin', sambil menyuruh ummi mengikat kain pelekat waleed kat leher diorang
Bas 'Central London' tu actually kat nearby supermarket je. Bukan kat London betul2:)
aaaahh... gamba luqman peluk bahu iqbal kat sofa hitam - luqman dah pandai senyum manis2 kat kamere!! haha
oh 1 more, luqman batman islamic lah! tangan luqman siap mcm tgh posisi solat. hehehe ;D
alhamdulillah..terer ky didik mereke :)
comel sgtttt mereka~~~~~~~~
terasa seperti nk mencubit2 pipi mereke~
co cute..
kalo ada rezeki sampaila kami kat sana..
alak: ye comell..lihatlah siapakah makcik2 mereka?..hehe
huda:silalah kemari..:)
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