Today is 29 November 2009.
24 years ago..she was born.
Naaiemah is her name.
'Imang' is her 'glamourous name'.
So at home, we call her Imang. At her school/univ..we call her she requested..
Her name was taken from surah al-ghasyiyah:verse 8, which means: berseri-seri. That explains her fair features..:)

During her childhood, she has this special ability to laugh like our favourite clown character called 'Bozo'. So, we used to purposely tickle her, to hear her laughter. I wonder whether she still have this ability..
She is also a very passionate person, especially towards children. Initially, her ambition was to open a nursery/kindergarten, I wonder when her ambition changed..

She used to play a role-play game:'mum-and-son' with Tame, with she being the mum, and Tame being the son, tame will make cute 'mocho-mocho'..and she will cuddled him, and pretend as if tame is a baby..and they will lock the door, so that no one could detect their role-play.i think that was when imang is 5 and tame is 4? can't remember..

She likes to team up with Aalaa' to 'selongkar' my stuffs, when I was at school. They really love my stationery stuffs..especially the note book that looks like a burger. And I will scold and pinch them, just to find out that the very same thing happen again the next day.
She's like Aalaa's twin sister. Whenever they go, people will keep on asking, whether they're twins or not. But of course, they're totally different.
She also likes star gazing, and even have a telescope of her own. That explains her specialty: aerospace engineering

Dearie Imang..
Some people give the gift
of peace and tranquility
to every life they touch.
They are always who they really are.
They are blessedly reliable,
dependably good,
predictably pleasant,
loved and treasured
by all who know them.
You are one of those people.
You are a gift of peace and tranquility
in my life.
Thank you
For being born..
In soft gleaming night of stars,
May all your dreams come true.
May every star of every night,
Bring love and joy to you.
Somebody up there Loves you
Somebody down here cares for you
Happy Birthday!!!
Semoga dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki, dan dikurniakan jodoh yg soleh..insyaAllah..
A special video to watch..
From Luqman & Iqbal..
A special song to ponder on your birthday..
This blog recommended it
These are the lyrics:
You movin around place to place
Feet are sore, it's in your face
Since he died you can't stop
Punchin in around the clock
Where's your heart? Slow your pace
Think some more to win this race
Hands can grind, skin can bruise
Kill your faith and you will lose
Move slow
Think twice
Wouldn't that be nice?
Gold or green, the money train
Rides too fast, brings the pain
You feed your mouth, what do you feed your soul?
You're dressed up in diamonds and left all alone
What would he say? Think he can't see?
His youngest daughter, guess you wanna be free
It's not my place but anyway
Slow on down and meditate
i need to slow my pace, this ain't formula one
although Allah is one, his signs are by the millions
so are my sins, can't win if we don't search within it
so love guarding us from so many wrongs
so it's on with satan through them endless rounds
no westside connection, still i bow down
walk the earth with arrogance like nothing else matters
we here today gone tomorrow, dreams scattered
what really mattered were your deeds, not your gold
heaven or hell, you don't know
do my best until my last breath
until the trumpet will blow
resurrect to him i resolve
what makes the blood flow, what makes the sun shine, what makes it all happen
the answer to your question waitin in the sky
look above your head the answer you will find
meditate and keep your soul high
By the way,
How do you expect me to remember your birthday,
when you never look any older?
happy birthday imang.
watch out for 0:38 in the video. really cute 2 little boys.
1. ky comelnyeeee luqbal ituu kenape asik nak nyanyi ikut perintah Allah, mcm tau2 aje makcik die ni jahat hoho. tp suara luqman makin besar? n iqbal plak ikut je abg die nyanyi haha tapi kenape gelap ky tak bukak lampu ek, so taknampak gamba the 2 boys
2. fair features sebab gamba tu bawah cahaya kot =_=
3. kenape ky bocorkan rahsieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee benci nyeee zaman mocho2 tu hahahah mane ntah aku dpt idea. ky punye stationery sgt bes okeh, dahla byk notepad yg ky takpenah gune, skrg pun imang suke selongkar laci ky gak dlm bilik ni banyak brg berguna :p
4. yeee sekarang makin kontrol ayu manade gelak mcm bozo dahh haha
5. ky nampak, gamba2 itu sume ky amik dari facebuk imang..
6. thanks for the post walaupun rahsie buruk zaman silam telah dipublicizekan
7. love you!
ye thanks dontverifymeeventhoitskindaeasytoverify
dontverify me: =..?
imang: mang nampak buat nota dlm bentuk poin..:) sorry..tercerita kisah zaman silam..just wanted to reminisce..tak sangka plak terbuka rahsie..don't akan cepat2 cover dgn posting baru..hehe..hopefully that cover is good enough..hehe
hehehe.. tq kak yaqeen bocorkan rahsie nekmah :P:P:P
@nekmah. don worii.. >:DDDDD
Ces yeeee. Ha bile la kak mushi nak bocorkan rahsie anti haha.
Sebbaik ky tak bocorkan semua
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