Salam all
when u're tired
it's difficult to do things that're useful, and beneficial
it's easier to do things that're entertaining, which are usually not useful/beneficial
it's actually the time that u're free from distractions/disturbance
the exact time to do what u're suppose to do
when u're energetic
it's easier to do things that're useful, and beneficial
it's easier not to do things that're entertaining, which are usually not useful/beneficial
it's actually the time that u're busy with the distractions/disturbance
the exact time to do what u're suppose to do
so..finally..u end up not doing what u're suppose to do
and doing what u're not suppose to do
Malaikat in me:this is totally alasan..coz hendak 1000 daya tak hendak 1000 dalih
Nafsu in me:but where to find the 1000 daya..when you're always being surrounded by 1000 alasan?
Malaikat: Seek and you shall find, Ask and you shall receive
Nafsu: Yeah..easier said than done
Malaikat: Rabbana zholamna anfusana, wain lam tahfirlana, wa tarhamna, lanakunanna minal khasirin
The end
Just random rantings
of a tired mom
"Truth is always hidden until it is properly dissected"
ps: Just arrived at home from few miles of cycling, bringing the 2 boys to buy something, but end up not buying anything, since the thing that we wanna buy is so expensive..and the 2 boys end up main nyorok2 dalam kedai..and I thought I've lost them..and later, they playfully jerked at me..PEEKABOO!
Have a nice weekend!
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