It's been 1 year since I left Malaysia
One year ago
I was a medical doctor
Working in the busiest hospital in Malaysia
Doing on calls weekly
Seeing patients daily
Prescribing medications routinely
I'm a fulltime housewife
A part time student
Seeing my 2 kids growing up healthily
Following my husband doing his pHD diligently
Doing house chores daily
Goes shopping biweekly
Studying whenever it's possible
It did occur to my mind
What am I doing with my life?
But then
No matter how successful you'll be
No matter how great your position will be
In the end
You'll be lonely without your family around
You won't be happy with your glory, when you're all alone
A reminder to myself
When sometime
I'm doubting myself
For the decision that I've made
For the time that I've spent
Whatever happens
'Family always comes first'
May Allah bless us
In every decision that we made
In every breath that we take
In every second that we live
Till we meet Him again
In the hereafter
It's already spring now
But these pictures were taken during last winter season
We were ice-skating at the nearest canal in front of our neighbourhood
A bit too late though
But, it's better late than never
Like what papa always said to us when we were kids
and we were late for school
(and it was like 'everyday')
ccccccooooommmeeeellllllnyeeeee penguin yg bername iqbal ituhh!!! hahaha comel sgt888
alaa nak jumpe..
eh ky, gamba iqbal yg last tu cam diambil oleh photographer yg pro, siap mcm bleh jd gamba calendar! hehe
wahh luqman makin hemsemmm!! (ek hem tgk la sape makciknye? "ape? yg berjerawat ituh?" "hei iyelah, kdg2 jerawat jadi pemanis muke" hahaha pasrah)
MasyAllah what a nice poem! Congratulation! you have made the rite decision. Family comes first...
BTW you need a break, Alhamdulillah that's rahmah from Allah, Allah has granted you his rahmah, this rahmah is once in a lifetime, excellent opportunities,and also its a blessing in disguise for all you know out there many people wish to be there,but alas as allah created us with different i wish to be there too to be with my beloved cute grandchildrennnnnn...Luqman and iqbal...muuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh..
luv you all
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