Salam all
Few days ago..I said: Winter is dreadful
Well.. today I want to retract my words back..and replace it with:
Winter is beautiful
Having the chance to experience winter is indeed very wonderful
Feeling the snow dropping on your nose
Seeing the snow falling beautifully from the sky
Seeing the world..converted into a very large beautiful white carpet
The video shooting was done at Masjid Baitur-Rahman, Ridderkerk, Netherlands
"Rabbana ma khalaqta haza bathila..subhanaka faqina ázabannar"
(Tuhanku, tidaklah Engkau menciptakan ini dengan sia2..Maha Suci Engkau..maka peliharalah aku dari azab api neraka) (Al-Qurán)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
it's winter already!
It's winter already here
Frosts started to appear everywhere
The canals are turning into ice cubes
Iqbal's favourite word : signal
Luqman's favourite word: Aliens
Just bought a new sewing machine: singer serenade 8280L

Hope the hobby will not just a hangat2 tahi ayam one
Hubby said: I'll only last for 2 months..then, the sewing machine will end up in the store
ye..thank you very much for the encouragement
Winter is very dreadful
But anyhow..alhamdulillah for everything
But..have to cycle to and from luqman's school every morning and evening..
wah..sangat tersiksa..
today's temperature -2 degree celcius
the weather forecast said that it'll snow tomorrow
we'll see
hubby said: tula..nak sangat pegi negara sejuk..'s always my fault in the end..
beginila nasib..hidup di perantauan..
It's winter already here
Frosts started to appear everywhere
The canals are turning into ice cubes
Iqbal's favourite word : signal
Luqman's favourite word: Aliens
Just bought a new sewing machine: singer serenade 8280L

Hope the hobby will not just a hangat2 tahi ayam one
Hubby said: I'll only last for 2 months..then, the sewing machine will end up in the store
ye..thank you very much for the encouragement
Winter is very dreadful
But anyhow..alhamdulillah for everything
But..have to cycle to and from luqman's school every morning and evening..
wah..sangat tersiksa..
today's temperature -2 degree celcius
the weather forecast said that it'll snow tomorrow
we'll see
hubby said: tula..nak sangat pegi negara sejuk..'s always my fault in the end..
beginila nasib..hidup di perantauan..
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Muhasabah Cinta
Was browsing through the blogs and websites..and found this. Found it really enlightening and refreshing..especially to the soul
copied from:
Hidup memang tidak mudah, tetapi kemudahan dapat dihidupkan. Kepenatan, kemarahan, turunnya kualiti ibadah dan kegersangan ruhiyah adalah titik klimaks dari kelalaian seorang hamba dalam menjalani ujian hidup. Matikan kelalaian itu dengan hati yang hidup dalam mewujudkan kemudahan hidup.
Berhentilah sejenak saudaraku… Berhentilah di sini…
Berhentilah di terminal ruhiyah, agar hati damai dan tenang terasa hingga tulang sum-sum.
Jangan pernah berhenti saudaraku… Untuk selalu dalam istiqamah.
Jangan pernah berhenti, untuk selalu bermunjat pada-Nya ketika kesibukan dan kepenatan hati telah menguasai diri…
Jangan pernah berhenti, untuk selalu memohon dan meminta pada-Nya ketika cita-cita telah sirna namun kemahuan masih menggunung.. .
Jangan pernah berhenti, untuk selalu memupuk semangat dan optimis ketika hati mulai rapuh dan patah, sampai Allah memberikan kemenangan.
Jangan pernah berhenti saudaraku… Untuk selalu melantunkan bait-bait doa meskipun di pejabat, jalan, sekolah, kampus, pasar, kendaraan, kereta, pesawat….dan di hati ini… Allah Maha Mendengar bisikan hati…
“Iman seorang mukmin akan nampak pada saat ia menghadapi ujian. Di saat ia tenggelam dalam berdoa, tapi ia belum melihat pengaruh apapun dari doanya. Ketika, ia tetap tidak merubah keinginan dan harapannya, meskipun sebab-sebab putus asa semakin kuat. Itu semua dilakukan seseorang kerana keyakinannya bahwa hanya Allah saja yang paling tahu apa yang lebih maslahat bagi dirinya. Ia yakin bahawa dengan ujian itu, Allah ingin melihat tingkatan kesabaran dan keimanannya. Ia yakin bahwa dengan keadaan itu, Allah menghendaki hatinya menjadi luruh dan pasrah kepada-Nya. Atau, boleh jadi melalui ujian itu, Allah menghendaki dirinya untuk lebih banyak lagi berdoa sehingga ia lebih dekat lagi dengan-Nya melalui doa-doanya. ” (Shaidul Khatir, 375). Begitulah nasihat dari Ibnul Jauzi.
Jangan pernah berhenti untuk selalu berusaha ikhlas dan tawadhu mengumpulkan butiran-butiran amal dalam setiap fasa-fasa hidup, kerana kelak ia yang akan menjadi kawan kita ketika menemui Rabb Semesta Alam..
Jangan pernah berhenti untuk selalu memohon pada-Nya kembali yang baik dan khusnul khatimah, kerana akhir yang baik adalah muara dari kasih sayang Allah.
Ya..jangan pernah berhenti untuk selalu berikhtiar, berdoa dan bersabar dalam menjalani hidup sebagai hamba Allah.
*hatiku, yakin lah.. Allah tak pernah menzalimi hamba2Nya..*
Wahai... Pemilik nyawaku
Betapa lemah diriku ini
Berat ujian dariMu
Kupasrahkan semua padaMu
Tuhan... Baru ku sadar
Indah nikmat sehat itu
Tak pandai aku bersyukur
Kini kuharapkan cintaMu
Reff. :
Kata-kata cinta terucap indah
Mengalun berzikir di kidung doaku
Sakit yang kurasa biar jadi penawar dosaku
Butir-butir cinta air mataku
Teringat semua yang Kau beri untukku
Ampuni khilaf dan salah selama ini
Ya ilahi....
Muhasabah cintaku...
Tuhan... Kuatkan aku
Lindungiku dari putus asa
Jika ku harus mati
Pertemukan aku denganMu
Sudah terlalu lama..tidak memuhasabah cinta..
Was browsing through the blogs and websites..and found this. Found it really enlightening and refreshing..especially to the soul
copied from:
Hidup memang tidak mudah, tetapi kemudahan dapat dihidupkan. Kepenatan, kemarahan, turunnya kualiti ibadah dan kegersangan ruhiyah adalah titik klimaks dari kelalaian seorang hamba dalam menjalani ujian hidup. Matikan kelalaian itu dengan hati yang hidup dalam mewujudkan kemudahan hidup.
Berhentilah sejenak saudaraku… Berhentilah di sini…
Berhentilah di terminal ruhiyah, agar hati damai dan tenang terasa hingga tulang sum-sum.
Jangan pernah berhenti saudaraku… Untuk selalu dalam istiqamah.
Jangan pernah berhenti, untuk selalu bermunjat pada-Nya ketika kesibukan dan kepenatan hati telah menguasai diri…
Jangan pernah berhenti, untuk selalu memohon dan meminta pada-Nya ketika cita-cita telah sirna namun kemahuan masih menggunung.. .
Jangan pernah berhenti, untuk selalu memupuk semangat dan optimis ketika hati mulai rapuh dan patah, sampai Allah memberikan kemenangan.
Jangan pernah berhenti saudaraku… Untuk selalu melantunkan bait-bait doa meskipun di pejabat, jalan, sekolah, kampus, pasar, kendaraan, kereta, pesawat….dan di hati ini… Allah Maha Mendengar bisikan hati…
“Iman seorang mukmin akan nampak pada saat ia menghadapi ujian. Di saat ia tenggelam dalam berdoa, tapi ia belum melihat pengaruh apapun dari doanya. Ketika, ia tetap tidak merubah keinginan dan harapannya, meskipun sebab-sebab putus asa semakin kuat. Itu semua dilakukan seseorang kerana keyakinannya bahwa hanya Allah saja yang paling tahu apa yang lebih maslahat bagi dirinya. Ia yakin bahawa dengan ujian itu, Allah ingin melihat tingkatan kesabaran dan keimanannya. Ia yakin bahwa dengan keadaan itu, Allah menghendaki hatinya menjadi luruh dan pasrah kepada-Nya. Atau, boleh jadi melalui ujian itu, Allah menghendaki dirinya untuk lebih banyak lagi berdoa sehingga ia lebih dekat lagi dengan-Nya melalui doa-doanya. ” (Shaidul Khatir, 375). Begitulah nasihat dari Ibnul Jauzi.
Jangan pernah berhenti untuk selalu berusaha ikhlas dan tawadhu mengumpulkan butiran-butiran amal dalam setiap fasa-fasa hidup, kerana kelak ia yang akan menjadi kawan kita ketika menemui Rabb Semesta Alam..
Jangan pernah berhenti untuk selalu memohon pada-Nya kembali yang baik dan khusnul khatimah, kerana akhir yang baik adalah muara dari kasih sayang Allah.
Ya..jangan pernah berhenti untuk selalu berikhtiar, berdoa dan bersabar dalam menjalani hidup sebagai hamba Allah.
*hatiku, yakin lah.. Allah tak pernah menzalimi hamba2Nya..*
Wahai... Pemilik nyawaku
Betapa lemah diriku ini
Berat ujian dariMu
Kupasrahkan semua padaMu
Tuhan... Baru ku sadar
Indah nikmat sehat itu
Tak pandai aku bersyukur
Kini kuharapkan cintaMu
Reff. :
Kata-kata cinta terucap indah
Mengalun berzikir di kidung doaku
Sakit yang kurasa biar jadi penawar dosaku
Butir-butir cinta air mataku
Teringat semua yang Kau beri untukku
Ampuni khilaf dan salah selama ini
Ya ilahi....
Muhasabah cintaku...
Tuhan... Kuatkan aku
Lindungiku dari putus asa
Jika ku harus mati
Pertemukan aku denganMu
Sudah terlalu lama..tidak memuhasabah cinta..
Saturday, November 28, 2009
In soft gleaming night of stars..
Assalamualaikum wrt wbkth
Today is 29 November 2009.
24 years ago..she was born.
Naaiemah is her name.
'Imang' is her 'glamourous name'.
So at home, we call her Imang. At her school/univ..we call her she requested..
Her name was taken from surah al-ghasyiyah:verse 8, which means: berseri-seri. That explains her fair features..:)

During her childhood, she has this special ability to laugh like our favourite clown character called 'Bozo'. So, we used to purposely tickle her, to hear her laughter. I wonder whether she still have this ability..
She is also a very passionate person, especially towards children. Initially, her ambition was to open a nursery/kindergarten, I wonder when her ambition changed..

She used to play a role-play game:'mum-and-son' with Tame, with she being the mum, and Tame being the son, tame will make cute 'mocho-mocho'..and she will cuddled him, and pretend as if tame is a baby..and they will lock the door, so that no one could detect their role-play.i think that was when imang is 5 and tame is 4? can't remember..

She likes to team up with Aalaa' to 'selongkar' my stuffs, when I was at school. They really love my stationery stuffs..especially the note book that looks like a burger. And I will scold and pinch them, just to find out that the very same thing happen again the next day.
She's like Aalaa's twin sister. Whenever they go, people will keep on asking, whether they're twins or not. But of course, they're totally different.
She also likes star gazing, and even have a telescope of her own. That explains her specialty: aerospace engineering

Dearie Imang..
Some people give the gift
of peace and tranquility
to every life they touch.
They are always who they really are.
They are blessedly reliable,
dependably good,
predictably pleasant,
loved and treasured
by all who know them.
You are one of those people.
You are a gift of peace and tranquility
in my life.
Thank you
For being born..
In soft gleaming night of stars,
May all your dreams come true.
May every star of every night,
Bring love and joy to you.
Somebody up there Loves you
Somebody down here cares for you
Happy Birthday!!!
Semoga dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki, dan dikurniakan jodoh yg soleh..insyaAllah..
A special video to watch..
From Luqman & Iqbal..
A special song to ponder on your birthday..
This blog recommended it
These are the lyrics:
You movin around place to place
Feet are sore, it's in your face
Since he died you can't stop
Punchin in around the clock
Where's your heart? Slow your pace
Think some more to win this race
Hands can grind, skin can bruise
Kill your faith and you will lose
Move slow
Think twice
Wouldn't that be nice?
Gold or green, the money train
Rides too fast, brings the pain
You feed your mouth, what do you feed your soul?
You're dressed up in diamonds and left all alone
What would he say? Think he can't see?
His youngest daughter, guess you wanna be free
It's not my place but anyway
Slow on down and meditate
i need to slow my pace, this ain't formula one
although Allah is one, his signs are by the millions
so are my sins, can't win if we don't search within it
so love guarding us from so many wrongs
so it's on with satan through them endless rounds
no westside connection, still i bow down
walk the earth with arrogance like nothing else matters
we here today gone tomorrow, dreams scattered
what really mattered were your deeds, not your gold
heaven or hell, you don't know
do my best until my last breath
until the trumpet will blow
resurrect to him i resolve
what makes the blood flow, what makes the sun shine, what makes it all happen
the answer to your question waitin in the sky
look above your head the answer you will find
meditate and keep your soul high
By the way,
How do you expect me to remember your birthday,
when you never look any older?
Today is 29 November 2009.
24 years ago..she was born.
Naaiemah is her name.
'Imang' is her 'glamourous name'.
So at home, we call her Imang. At her school/univ..we call her she requested..
Her name was taken from surah al-ghasyiyah:verse 8, which means: berseri-seri. That explains her fair features..:)

During her childhood, she has this special ability to laugh like our favourite clown character called 'Bozo'. So, we used to purposely tickle her, to hear her laughter. I wonder whether she still have this ability..
She is also a very passionate person, especially towards children. Initially, her ambition was to open a nursery/kindergarten, I wonder when her ambition changed..

She used to play a role-play game:'mum-and-son' with Tame, with she being the mum, and Tame being the son, tame will make cute 'mocho-mocho'..and she will cuddled him, and pretend as if tame is a baby..and they will lock the door, so that no one could detect their role-play.i think that was when imang is 5 and tame is 4? can't remember..

She likes to team up with Aalaa' to 'selongkar' my stuffs, when I was at school. They really love my stationery stuffs..especially the note book that looks like a burger. And I will scold and pinch them, just to find out that the very same thing happen again the next day.
She's like Aalaa's twin sister. Whenever they go, people will keep on asking, whether they're twins or not. But of course, they're totally different.
She also likes star gazing, and even have a telescope of her own. That explains her specialty: aerospace engineering

Dearie Imang..
Some people give the gift
of peace and tranquility
to every life they touch.
They are always who they really are.
They are blessedly reliable,
dependably good,
predictably pleasant,
loved and treasured
by all who know them.
You are one of those people.
You are a gift of peace and tranquility
in my life.
Thank you
For being born..
In soft gleaming night of stars,
May all your dreams come true.
May every star of every night,
Bring love and joy to you.
Somebody up there Loves you
Somebody down here cares for you
Happy Birthday!!!
Semoga dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki, dan dikurniakan jodoh yg soleh..insyaAllah..
A special video to watch..
From Luqman & Iqbal..
A special song to ponder on your birthday..
This blog recommended it
These are the lyrics:
You movin around place to place
Feet are sore, it's in your face
Since he died you can't stop
Punchin in around the clock
Where's your heart? Slow your pace
Think some more to win this race
Hands can grind, skin can bruise
Kill your faith and you will lose
Move slow
Think twice
Wouldn't that be nice?
Gold or green, the money train
Rides too fast, brings the pain
You feed your mouth, what do you feed your soul?
You're dressed up in diamonds and left all alone
What would he say? Think he can't see?
His youngest daughter, guess you wanna be free
It's not my place but anyway
Slow on down and meditate
i need to slow my pace, this ain't formula one
although Allah is one, his signs are by the millions
so are my sins, can't win if we don't search within it
so love guarding us from so many wrongs
so it's on with satan through them endless rounds
no westside connection, still i bow down
walk the earth with arrogance like nothing else matters
we here today gone tomorrow, dreams scattered
what really mattered were your deeds, not your gold
heaven or hell, you don't know
do my best until my last breath
until the trumpet will blow
resurrect to him i resolve
what makes the blood flow, what makes the sun shine, what makes it all happen
the answer to your question waitin in the sky
look above your head the answer you will find
meditate and keep your soul high
By the way,
How do you expect me to remember your birthday,
when you never look any older?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Luqman & School
Pictures of the day
In the name of ALLAH, the most Gracious and Merciful
Try have a close look between all these pics..
As the story goes, a man in his 70s was arrested for allegedly killing his wife. The following picture was published by Berita Harian:

This was in the Star:

Notice the blue umbrella? That umbrella has the Barisan Nasional emblem on it. Quite obviously, that umbrella was distributed by the Barisan Nasional during some kind of election as it has the "vote-BN" emblem on it.
Utusan Malaysia, thinking that the stupid masses of Malaysia might equate Barisan Nasional to a person arrested for an alleged murder because of that blue umbrella, quickly exercised its responsible journalistic discretion by DOCTORING the same photograph and published the same in its report as follows:

This is the proof that Utusan Malaysia is the stupidest newspaper in the whole world!
Obviously the umbrella logo was doctored to conceal the "dacing" in Utusan
Malaysia's edition.
Despite endless reminder, they (Utusan Malaysia) still forget that people do have
access to the internet....
p/S: Despite all the lies, untruth and skewed reporting that these newspapers have been carrying all these while, the Prime Minister recently saw it fit to hail Utusan Malaysia for, among others, "being the voice of the people".
p/s: bila syaitan dah masuk ke dalam badan, minda sume turut dikawal, hatta isteri sendiri pun boleh dibunuh..
Try have a close look between all these pics..
As the story goes, a man in his 70s was arrested for allegedly killing his wife. The following picture was published by Berita Harian:

This was in the Star:

Notice the blue umbrella? That umbrella has the Barisan Nasional emblem on it. Quite obviously, that umbrella was distributed by the Barisan Nasional during some kind of election as it has the "vote-BN" emblem on it.
Utusan Malaysia, thinking that the stupid masses of Malaysia might equate Barisan Nasional to a person arrested for an alleged murder because of that blue umbrella, quickly exercised its responsible journalistic discretion by DOCTORING the same photograph and published the same in its report as follows:

This is the proof that Utusan Malaysia is the stupidest newspaper in the whole world!
Obviously the umbrella logo was doctored to conceal the "dacing" in Utusan
Malaysia's edition.
Despite endless reminder, they (Utusan Malaysia) still forget that people do have
access to the internet....
p/S: Despite all the lies, untruth and skewed reporting that these newspapers have been carrying all these while, the Prime Minister recently saw it fit to hail Utusan Malaysia for, among others, "being the voice of the people".
p/s: bila syaitan dah masuk ke dalam badan, minda sume turut dikawal, hatta isteri sendiri pun boleh dibunuh..
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Hujan emas di negara orang

Hujan emas di negara orang..hujan batu di negara sendiri..
Baik lagi negara sendiri..
Betullah..kata pepatah di atas tu
Tapi, ni pepatah yg lebih tepat
Hujan api di Holland
Hujan air di Malaysia
Of course la better hujan yg kat Malaysia
Dan ingat lagi tak peribahasa kite?
Bagai Belanda mendapat tanah????
Hidup kat Holland sangat menyeksakan
Betulla..setiap sesuatu tu..ada kebaikannya dan keburukannya
So, harini nak cakap ttg keburukannya..
Orang dutch ni sgt licik
Ade je idea dia nak cekau duit org
Ingat tak camane Belanda dtg jajah negara kite?
Memula dtg kata nak minta tanah sikit je utk berniaga
Tanah sebesar kulit lembu
Pastu Sultan pun benarkan
Pastu rupe2nye die potong halus2 kulit lembu tu..sampai jadi cam tali panjang..
pastu die claim tanah sepanjang dan seluas tali yg dipotong dari kulit lembu tu
Mestilah sgt luas kan..
So, begitulah budaya org2 dutch
Bukan semua org dutch ni camtu..tapi 75% la mcm tu
Adela yg baik hati..tapi sikit..
So kat sini..banyakla cara die nak peras duit..
Especially dari pendatang2 asing..dan especially yg tak faham bahase dutch
Memula die perdaya org dtg belajar kat negara derang
Dengan kata: Yuran free
Tapi rupe2nye..banyak cukai2 sampingan yg perlu dibayar..
Cukai buang sampah
Cukai baiki terusan air (canal)
..sini sangat banyak terusan air..
Cukai rumah..setiap tahun meningkat beberapa %
dan macam2 lagi cukai lain yg perlu dibayar
Bile tanye pejabat cukai ..die tanak layan org yg tak faham bahase dutch
Pastu die kata, yuran sekolah budak2 free
Tapi rupe-rupenye kene bayar khas utk jaga budak2 tu mase derang rehat time lunch
kalau tanak bayar..kene amik budak tu bawa balik rumah utk lunch kat rumah dan hantar balik ke sekolah die..tentulah menyusahkan ibu bapa budak tersebut
so,nak tak nak..kenela bayar jugak..utk school fees
sangatlah licik..
Pastu ape2 perjanjian..
kene teliti betul2 segala terms2 die
yg tulis2 kecik2 tu..pastikan bace..jgn ada yg tertinggal
Adela die cam nak bagi elaun bantuan
especially utk golongan berpendapatan rendah
(dan student=gol. berpendapatan rendah itu)
Tapi prosedur nak claim elaun tu sgtla susah
dan banyak syarat2nye
banyak borang2 yg perlu diisi
depress betul isi2 borang derang
dan melayan karenah derang yg menyakitkan hati
derang punye sifat sangat individualistic
dan penuh kepura-puraan
sangat berlagak, cocky
pandang rendah kat org lain..especially muslim
Kalau boleh tanak tengok pun muke mereka
ataupun bercakap dgn mereka
tapi apakan daya..
dah duk negara mereka..
nak tak nak kenela jugak berkomunikasi dgn mereka
menahan pandangan mata dan nada suara mereka yg menyakitkan hati
buat2 buta
buat2 pekak dan
buat2 tuli
Wah..sakitnye hati duduk kat negara yg camni
Lenkali jangan harapla nak dtg negara ni lagi
Rase cam nak bom je negara ni
Dahla jajah negara org..pastu berlagak pulak
Negara derang kecik je..sebesar negeri Pahang je
Boleh je kalau nak invade bebile..kalau pandai buat strategi
Wah..jumpe satu lagi blog : I Hate Holland..
Saya tidak berseorangan
Sangat tak sabar nak keluar dari negara ini
dan balik ke Malaysia
Kenapa pilih belajar kat negara ni???
Penagajaran: Holland bukanlah tempat yg selesa utk belajar/tinggal..tapi utk bercuti sekejap2 tu bolehla..
Luahan ketidak puasan hati
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Always Be There

Salam all
Was recommended to listen to Maher Zain's songs by this blog
While browsing through his songs, I was captured by this beautiful song. Be it the melody or the lyrics, both are very beautiful, captivating and calming.
Always Be There - Maher Zain
If you ask me about love
And wanna know about it
I am so pleased
It's everything about Allah
The pure love, to our soul
The creator of you and me,the heaven and whole universe
The ONE that made us all
And HE's the guardian of HIS true believers
So when the time is hard
There's no way to turn
As HE promise HE will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE's always watching us, guiding us
And HE knows what's in all in our heart
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there...
HE bring ourselves from the darkness into the light
Subhanallah praise belongs to YOU for everything
Shouldn't never feel afraid of anything
As long as we follow HIS guidance all the way
Through the short time we have in this life
Soon it all'll be over
And we'll be in His heaven and we'll all be fine
So when the time gets hard
There's no way to turn
As HE promise He will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE's always watching us, guiding us
And HE knows what's in all in our heart
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there...
Allahu Akbar (many times)
So when the time gets hard
There's no way to turn
As HE promise He will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE's always watching us, guiding us
And he knows what's in all in our heart
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there...
Allahu Akbar (many times)
Really enjoy the song. Listened to it multiple times, and still not bored (yet)
So, while doing the house chores and my autumn project..listening to this song really give me a soothing effect
Hope you guys will enjoy it too, while remembering Him. InsyaAllah
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Love: The Reminiscence
Salam all
Was browsing my imeem playlist..and then listened to this song:
Rossa – Takdir Cinta
ku tutup mataku
dari semua pandanganku
bila melihat matamu
ku yakin ada cinta
ketulusan hati yang mengulir lembut
penguasa alam tolonglah pegangi aku
biar ku tak jatuh pada sumur dosa
yang terkutuk dan menyesatkan cintaku
andaikan ku bisa lebih adil
pada cinta kau dan dia
aku bukan nabi yang bisa sempurna
ku tak luput dari dosa
biarlah ku hidup seperti ini
takdir cinta harus begini
ada kau dan dia bukan ku yang mau
Really love the lyrics (esp. the one that I highlighted). It's a good du'a and reminder for those who're in love, but not married yet..
Then, while browsing through, came across this youtube vid..again..touched by the du'a..also a good du'a for lovers
Then, finally..found this vid also..well it's not a du'a..but this vid reminds me of my varsity's life..where love conflicts happened immensely.lots of lessons learned.
and this was the first korean drama that I watched.lots of time and tissues (..of wipe my tears) wasted while watching this drama..(sigh)
Alhamdulillah. Eventually got married.
Still striving and struggling to seek for The Maha Cinta's love. Allah Rabbul Jalil
May Allah Bless
Was browsing my imeem playlist..and then listened to this song:
Rossa – Takdir Cinta
ku tutup mataku
dari semua pandanganku
bila melihat matamu
ku yakin ada cinta
ketulusan hati yang mengulir lembut
penguasa alam tolonglah pegangi aku
biar ku tak jatuh pada sumur dosa
yang terkutuk dan menyesatkan cintaku
andaikan ku bisa lebih adil
pada cinta kau dan dia
aku bukan nabi yang bisa sempurna
ku tak luput dari dosa
biarlah ku hidup seperti ini
takdir cinta harus begini
ada kau dan dia bukan ku yang mau
Really love the lyrics (esp. the one that I highlighted). It's a good du'a and reminder for those who're in love, but not married yet..
Then, while browsing through, came across this youtube vid..again..touched by the du'a..also a good du'a for lovers
Then, finally..found this vid also..well it's not a du'a..but this vid reminds me of my varsity's life..where love conflicts happened immensely.lots of lessons learned.
and this was the first korean drama that I watched.lots of time and tissues (..of wipe my tears) wasted while watching this drama..(sigh)
Alhamdulillah. Eventually got married.
Still striving and struggling to seek for The Maha Cinta's love. Allah Rabbul Jalil
May Allah Bless
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The right to LEAD

Salam all
Interested to share this article. It's an eye opener for me. Hope it is, for you too
Excerpt from:
The Right to Lead,
by John Maxwell
It certainly isn't gained by election or appointment. Having position, title, rank, or degrees doesn't qualify anyone to lead other people. And the ability doesn't come automatically from age or experience, either. No, it would be accurate to say that no one can be given the right to lead. The right to lead can only be earned. And that takes time.
The Kind of Leader Others Want to Follow
The key to becoming an effective leader is not to focus on making other people follow, but on making yourself the kind of person they want to follow. You must become someone others can trust to take them where they want to go. As you prepare yourself to become a better leader, use the following guidelines to help you grow:
1. Let go of your ego.
The truly great leaders are not in leadership for personal gain. They lead in order to serve other people. Perhaps that is why Lawrence D. Bell remarked, "Show me a man who cannot bother to do little things, and I'll show you a man who cannot be trusted to do big things."
2. Become a good follower first.
Rare is the effective leader who didn't learn to become a good follower first. That is why a leadership institution such as the United States Military Academy teaches its officers to become effective followers first - and why West Point has produced more leaders than the Harvard Business School.
3. Build positive relationships.
Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less. That means it is by nature relational. Today's generation of leaders seem particularly aware of this because title and position mean so little to them. They know intuitively that people go along with people they get along with.
4. Work with excellence.
No one respects and follows mediocrity. Leaders who earn the right to lead give their all to what they do. They bring into play not only their skills and talents, but also great passion and hard work. They perform on the highest level of which they are capable.
5. Rely on discipline, not emotion.
Leadership is often easy during the good times. It's when everything seems to be against you - when you're out of energy, and you don't want to lead - that you earn your place as a leader. During every season of life, leaders face crucial moments when they must choose between gearing up or giving up. To make it through those times, rely on the rock of discipline, not the shifting sand of emotion.
6. Make adding value your goal.
When you look at the leaders whose names are revered long after they have finished leading, you find that they were men and women who helped people to live better lives and reach their potential. That is the highest calling of leadership - and its highest value.
7. Give your power away.
One of the ironies of leadership is that you become a better leader by sharing whatever power you have, not by saving it all for yourself. You're meant to be a river, not a reservoir. If you use your power to empower others, your leadership will extend far beyond your grasp.
In The Right to Lead, you will hear from and read about people who have done these same things and earned the right to lead others. Because of the courage they found and the character they displayed, other people recognized their admirable qualities and felt compelled to follow them.
The followers who looked to these leaders learned from them, and so can we. As you explore their worlds and words, remember that it takes time to become worthy of followers. Leadership isn't learned or earned in a moment.
~John Maxwell
Let us all become leaders
To start by leading ourselves, to follow the right path
Lambaian Haji Menuju Allah
To makmah & pakcik..
semoga selamat perjalanan pergi dan pulangnya, ke Mekah dan dari Mekah
dan semoga mendapat haji mabrur
jgn lupa doakan kami di sini..
moga2 kami akan menyusul pula nanti..insyaAllah
this video clip is dedicated to both of you
Bagi yg belum diberi kesempatan/peluang/rezeki utk mengerjakan haji..mari hayati movie trailer ini..
bilakah pula aku akan ke sana?
moga Allah mempermudahkan..
Till then,
To makmah & pakcik..
semoga selamat perjalanan pergi dan pulangnya, ke Mekah dan dari Mekah
dan semoga mendapat haji mabrur
jgn lupa doakan kami di sini..
moga2 kami akan menyusul pula nanti..insyaAllah
this video clip is dedicated to both of you
Bagi yg belum diberi kesempatan/peluang/rezeki utk mengerjakan haji..mari hayati movie trailer ini..
bilakah pula aku akan ke sana?
moga Allah mempermudahkan..
Till then,
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Success is..
Friday, November 6, 2009
when you're tired
Salam all
when u're tired
it's difficult to do things that're useful, and beneficial
it's easier to do things that're entertaining, which are usually not useful/beneficial
it's actually the time that u're free from distractions/disturbance
the exact time to do what u're suppose to do
when u're energetic
it's easier to do things that're useful, and beneficial
it's easier not to do things that're entertaining, which are usually not useful/beneficial
it's actually the time that u're busy with the distractions/disturbance
the exact time to do what u're suppose to do
so..finally..u end up not doing what u're suppose to do
and doing what u're not suppose to do
Malaikat in me:this is totally alasan..coz hendak 1000 daya tak hendak 1000 dalih
Nafsu in me:but where to find the 1000 daya..when you're always being surrounded by 1000 alasan?
Malaikat: Seek and you shall find, Ask and you shall receive
Nafsu: Yeah..easier said than done
Malaikat: Rabbana zholamna anfusana, wain lam tahfirlana, wa tarhamna, lanakunanna minal khasirin
The end
Just random rantings
of a tired mom
"Truth is always hidden until it is properly dissected"
ps: Just arrived at home from few miles of cycling, bringing the 2 boys to buy something, but end up not buying anything, since the thing that we wanna buy is so expensive..and the 2 boys end up main nyorok2 dalam kedai..and I thought I've lost them..and later, they playfully jerked at me..PEEKABOO!

Have a nice weekend!
when u're tired
it's difficult to do things that're useful, and beneficial
it's easier to do things that're entertaining, which are usually not useful/beneficial
it's actually the time that u're free from distractions/disturbance
the exact time to do what u're suppose to do
when u're energetic
it's easier to do things that're useful, and beneficial
it's easier not to do things that're entertaining, which are usually not useful/beneficial
it's actually the time that u're busy with the distractions/disturbance
the exact time to do what u're suppose to do
so..finally..u end up not doing what u're suppose to do
and doing what u're not suppose to do
Malaikat in me:this is totally alasan..coz hendak 1000 daya tak hendak 1000 dalih
Nafsu in me:but where to find the 1000 daya..when you're always being surrounded by 1000 alasan?
Malaikat: Seek and you shall find, Ask and you shall receive
Nafsu: Yeah..easier said than done
Malaikat: Rabbana zholamna anfusana, wain lam tahfirlana, wa tarhamna, lanakunanna minal khasirin
The end
Just random rantings
of a tired mom
"Truth is always hidden until it is properly dissected"
ps: Just arrived at home from few miles of cycling, bringing the 2 boys to buy something, but end up not buying anything, since the thing that we wanna buy is so expensive..and the 2 boys end up main nyorok2 dalam kedai..and I thought I've lost them..and later, they playfully jerked at me..PEEKABOO!

Have a nice weekend!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Man has the power to change his destiny
God predetermined man's fate, but man has the power to change his destiny
Innallaha la yughaiyyiru ma biqaumin hatta yughaiyyiru ma bianfusihim
(Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum, sehinggalah mereka mengubah nasib mereka sendiri)
A point to ponder
It's already November 2009..1 more month, then, it's 2010
How time flies..
Few of my friends are preparing for hajj
Luqman and Iqbal keep on fighting everyday, more than 3-4x a day
Now I understand how mama felt when me & bangah keep on fighting when we're small
Iqbal da pandai sebut few words..
Luqman dah ada ramai kawan di sekolah
..ada noah..ada mickey..ada donna..
Finally found the camera cable
Happy viewing!
Iqbal & Nashwa (Dr Adlina's daughter) di Newcastle, UK

Innallaha la yughaiyyiru ma biqaumin hatta yughaiyyiru ma bianfusihim
(Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum, sehinggalah mereka mengubah nasib mereka sendiri)
A point to ponder
It's already November 2009..1 more month, then, it's 2010
How time flies..
Few of my friends are preparing for hajj
Luqman and Iqbal keep on fighting everyday, more than 3-4x a day
Now I understand how mama felt when me & bangah keep on fighting when we're small
Iqbal da pandai sebut few words..
Luqman dah ada ramai kawan di sekolah
..ada noah..ada mickey..ada donna..
Finally found the camera cable
Happy viewing!
Iqbal & Nashwa (Dr Adlina's daughter) di Newcastle, UK
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