Sunday, January 13, 2008


Motivation is like food for your spirit
One of the way to lift up our motivation is by reading

Currently, reading: 'Growing Young'-by Dr Rene Cailliet & Leonard Gross
Just started.It stresses on the importance of exercise and eating the right food. Not over-exercised/under exercise.

Iqbal dah makin membesar dgn pantas.
Baju yg utk umur 6 bln da semakin sendat..padahal baru umur 2 bln setengah

Today, got a mail from Holland-saying that they've received our appeal letter..for iqbal's visa..
how many days more to wait?

bak kata Taqiudden,Abg nuh da boleh buat PHD kat malaysia dah..:)

yesterday, abg awie & family visited us.kak shahila will finish her study by mid of this year.then, abg awie will further his study for his PHD

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